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Swaledale and Arkengarthdale Archaeology Group

SWAAG Honorary President: 
Tim Laurie FSA
Occupiers: Richard Metcalfe
Record Number TownshipLandownersPlan NumberLand DescriptionState of CultivationAcresRent to VicarImproprieters Rent
 acre:rood:perch £-s-d £-s-d
 5710 MukerWilliam Fawcett931Allotment on KisdonPasture03:02:120-0-2
 5754 MukerThomas Fawcett junior481Little BottomMeadow01:03:120-0-9
 5755 MukerThomas Fawcett junior482Great BottomMeadow03:03:330-2-6
 5756 MukerThomas Fawcett junior483Dwelling House00:00:04
 5757 MukerThomas Fawcett junior484Hartlakes HeadMeadow03:01:350-1-2
 5758 MukerThomas Fawcett junior491Old SpringsWood19:03:000-1-40-1-0.5
 5759 MukerThomas Fawcett junior492North Gang AllotmentPasture26:02:270-1-10
 5760 MukerThomas Fawcett junior493Ralph Intake woodPasture and wood15:00:000-1-8.5
 6841 MukerWilliam FawcettSummary3:2:120-0-2
 6848 MukerThomas Fawcett JuniorSummary70:2:310-9-3.50-1-0.5

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You are free to use SWAAG's Archival Digital content with acknowledgment to SWAAG and the North Yorkshire County Council Records Office.

Registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation (England & Wales) Number 1155775 SWALEDALE AND ARKENGARTHDALE ARCHAEOLOGICAL GROUP